Measuring and valuing Quality of Life for economic evaluation and quality assessment: what is important to older people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities?
Hal Kendig Early Career Reseacher Research Development Grant, Australian Association of Gerontology
Chief Investigators:
Dr Claire Hutchinson
Associate Professor Ruth Walker
Professor Julie Ratcliffe
Advisory Group Members:
Helen Radoslovich (Helping Hand)
Dr Carol Davy (St Hilarion Aged Care)
Shannon Taheny (Multicultural Aged Care)
Helen Kyriazopoulos (Multicultural Communities Council of SA – MCCSA)
Professor Lily Xiao (Flinders University)
Associate Professor Lillian Mwanri (Flinders University)
Dr Jyoti Khadka (South Australia Health and Medical Research Institute – SAHMRI).
Dates: 2019-2021
This project aims to identify what quality of life attributes are important to people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse communities as they age. The study will use qualitative methodology including interviews with older people from five different CALD communities. Additional data will be gathered to inform the interviews from a synthesis of relevant literature and focus groups with aged care providers, advocacy groups, carers and families. A conceptual quality of life model will be developed which identifies the most important factors for people from CALD backgrounds. Additional funding will be sought to develop an appropriate and acceptable quality of life instrument for CALD populations in residential care and in community. The 18 month project commenced in January 2020.
The Consumer Choice Index – Six Dimension (CCI-6D)
National Health and Medical Research Council and partner funding
Researcher Team:
Dr Rachel Milte and others from Flinders University,
The Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre at University of Sydney
Dates: 2014-2018
The Consumer Choice Index – Six Dimension (CCI-6D) was created specifically to measure quality of care in long-term Residential Aged Care according to the perspective of older people living there or their family members. The instrument can be used by researchers or by aged care organisations in the field wanting to measure quality of care. The CCI-6D has six multiple choice questions focused around the themes which older people living with dementia and their family members reported was important for good quality Residential Aged Care. These themes are choice freedom and self-determination, meaningful activities, feeling useful and valued, individualised care, and home-like spaces. The measure has been evaluated and a scoring algorithm developed. For more information on the CCI-6D and to download the measure: